Sunday, October 19, 2014

Where can you find my necklaces?

"Orange Cream"
$65 plus shipping from Etsy
I now have created a lighter weight necklace called "Summer Necklaces" which will be most times a one-strand necklace and not as long and the "Winter Necklace" category. A third category will be a "Simple Necklace" that will be mainly a chain found at consignment or thrift stores with an added vintage small earring or brooch. This necklace will fit the bill for those people that do not like a "chunky" type of necklace. Both of these necklaces look good with a v-neck sweater or t-shirt... or an open neck button-up shirt!

The Etsy store, along with word of mouth, is the sales vehicle for my repurposed vintage and vintage-inspired necklaces. These necklaces will not be available in a retail store at this time. Etsy is one of the easiest ways to promote and sell original handmade items. Etsy pieces will be shared to my Facebook page as a way to reach a wider audience... along with posting necklaces on Pinterest!

This is a "Summer Necklace" and is a simple necklace that fits our lighter weight clothing of the summertime!

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Purchase Orange Cream Summer Necklace

Be sure to check out my post from last year where I debuted my "Winter Necklaces." Five of those were released for sale earlier last year. These necklaces are multiple strand or heavy brooch inspired necklaces.

Here are a few of my other necklaces you can find on Etsy or Pinterest! I will be posting these a few each week for you to read more about them and my process!

Red Flower & Sparkle
Can be purchased on Etsy

Sparkling Flower & Pearls
Can be purchased on Etsy

Customize One Just For You from Family Pieces!

If you have vintage jewelry (costume only please), you might want something made specifically for you from different pieces. One of my first posts on this blog shows what I created from one friend's many pieces. You might not wear the hand-me down pieces as they are, but would enjoy a necklace made from them! Contact me and let's talk!

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